Furry [adjective]

Definition of Furry:


Synonyms of Furry:

Opposite/Antonyms of Furry:


Sentence/Example of Furry:

Thousands of bags charged with soft blocks of furry mycelium filled the space.

The risk that petting or hugging your furry domestic companion might transmit the virus from the pet back to you, Barton Behravesh said, is considered low.

One of the most positive things to come out of shutdowns is that more and more people have opened their hearts and homes to new furry friends.

The park has quaint footbridges and waterfalls speckled throughout and is the perfect place for a jog or to bring your furry friend.

For dog-lovers, it’s more than taking your furry friend to work — it creates a close, lasting partnership that really makes a difference.

The Goat wore a white furry skin, horns, and foot and hand coverings resembling hoofs.

She leaned her face to the furry head on her shoulder, and he recognized Minny by the strange pattern of his back and tail.

Well, by that ruling the furry things which had fled fruitlessly from the flames of the globe might well qualify.

A furry, snarling thing had leaped at him, knocking the revolver from his hand in its plunging ascent.

No thick-booted undergraduates' holiday-parties nor furry art-students with knickers and bare throats here.