Garrisoning [verb]

Definition of Garrisoning:

seize, take over

Synonyms of Garrisoning:

Opposite/Antonyms of Garrisoning:

Sentence/Example of Garrisoning:

There are other serious drawbacks to garrisoning breastwork trenches.

Orders were received for the Regiment to entrain for Machadodorp for the purpose of garrisoning the railway blockhouses.

The Massachusetts lay in the harbor of Seattle, and fifteen of her men were on shore garrisoning the town.

At Utica they assure us that, of 30,000 soldiers then garrisoning it, there survived only ten.

The greater portion of the Chinese troops garrisoning Hang-chow were captured, but the Manchoos fell almost to the last man.

They were in the trenches, landing at Suvla, garrisoning Egypt, pushing up to Baghdad.

Malta House was next overwhelmed, and the platoon garrisoning Stroom Trench was forced back.

At 9.30 the blacks garrisoning Dongola hoisted the white flag, and the cannonade ceased.

They let the English invaders pass by, garrisoning the towns but abandoning the countryside.

William, by garrisoning the towns of which he took possession, had reduced his forces to about twenty thousand men.