garrulous [adjective]

Definition of garrulous:

Excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters.

Synonyms of garrulous:

Opposite/Antonyms of garrulous:

Sentence/Example of garrulous:

The garrulous old man told us stories about his youth for hours.

Her garrulous nature made her the life of the party.

The garrulous host kept the conversation lively and engaging.

He was often reprimanded for being too garrulous during meetings.

Despite her garrulous demeanor, she was an excellent listener.

The garrulous parrot mimicked everything it heard.

His garrulous speeches often lost the audience's interest.

The garrulous traveler entertained the children with tales of his adventures.

She found his garrulous chatter endearing at first, but it soon became tiring.

The garrulous tour guide provided more information than anyone could absorb.