Gasps [noun]

Definition of Gasps:

sharply drawn breath

Synonyms of Gasps:

Opposite/Antonyms of Gasps:


Sentence/Example of Gasps:

Startled gasps could be heard from the others in the room as they stared at that ghostly face.

But it was not so much the fire as what else she saw that made her face pale and her breath to come in gasps.

There were the sounds of startled gasps behind the flashlight, then a gun barked defiantly.

This he managed to utter in gasps as the detective bent compassionately over him.

The medium moaned and wrung her hands hysterically, her breath coming in quick gasps.

He was going in now though, almost crawling, his breath coming in stabbing gasps, his hands torn and bleeding.

It was so like the statue on the square without that the one at my side gasps, It is he, Mother, what shall we do?

They were hushed in silent ecstasy when it started, and gave little gasps of pleasure when it careened slightly in turning.

His voice grew louder and his breath came in choking gasps between the words.

He divined the gasps of astonishment with which Mrs. Thayer's utterance began.