Gatherers [noun]

Definition of Gatherers:

one who collects specimens

Synonyms of Gatherers:

Opposite/Antonyms of Gatherers:


Sentence/Example of Gatherers:

The tax-gatherer and recruiting officer begin to make their way into the hills.

Each gentleman may remunerate his gatherer, but the said remuneration shall in each case remain the same.

It fell, just inside the line, with its head up, and my gatherer pounced upon it like a cat.

Well, the black tax-gatherer is balked by a day, and the wanderer is back at Ercildoune again.

It was the bare cabin of a needy widow who had become involved in a lawsuit through the rapacity of a tax-gatherer.

A careless or inexperienced gatherer could easily be detected by the size and shape of his single.

When the moon is at her full, the gatherer of worms enters a neighbouring wood, and selects a young palmiste tree.

When a promising palmiste is found, the gatherer makes an incision into it with a cutlass or a hatchet.

When this is done, the gatherer marks the locality, and leaves the tree, which he does not revisit for a considerable time.

But if the tax-gatherer represented the state, he represented also part of the patronage at the disposal of politicians.