Gingerly [adjective]

Definition of Gingerly:


Synonyms of Gingerly:

Opposite/Antonyms of Gingerly:

Sentence/Example of Gingerly:

Teddy sits on the couch next to me, gingerly places his paw on my shoulder.

I extend my right arm and gingerly lift the phone from the nightstand, taking care to keep its illuminated screen facing away until I can shield it with my body.

Sergeant Burton knelt down and gingerly laid his hand upon the stained linen over the breast of Sir Lucien.

In this gingerly way did the deputies lift the curtain and peer down the road to revolution.

She held it gingerly in her fingers and extended her arm over the sheer dark descent into the thronged street.

Nagpirigpirig siya sa hagdan nga nagkurugkurug, He was walking gingerly on the wobbly steps.

Up another gangway enough cordite to blow up the whole of Liverpool was being gingerly carried in small cases.

Still, for the moment he obeyed instructions implicitly and went down the stairs gingerly and out to the taxicab.

She rode on again, following a ridge, the pony stepping gingerly.

He looked it over, handled it gingerly, holding it to the light.