Godliness [noun]
Definition of Godliness:
Opposite/Antonyms of Godliness:
Sentence/Example of Godliness:
Scientists want to understand how their perceptions compare to godly encounters sober people have, in terms of quality, authenticity, and lasting effect.
God rejects the hypocritical fasts of the Jews: recommends works of mercy, and sincere godliness.
And because he considered that they who had fallen asleep with godliness, had great grace laid up for them.
If cleanliness be next to godliness, a good cleaning would do it good and improve its affinities.
Members of churches have been zealous in every good work, and yet have known nothing of godliness but the form.
Of the man who has the form of godliness, but who has never felt its regenerating and life-giving power.
All of them deplored the lack of vital godliness in their churches and bewailed the lack of spirituality among their numbers.
A great and visible decay of the power of Godliness amongst many professors in these churches.
The vigour with which Luther maintained the cause of godliness, filled him with joy.
We have said little about the deep godliness, the spiritual Christianity, with which every poem is penetrated and quickened.