Goodish [adjective]

Definition of Goodish:


Synonyms of Goodish:

Opposite/Antonyms of Goodish:


Sentence/Example of Goodish:

I've been at her a goodish bit to-day, an' I think I've gotten her put all reet at last.'

I picked up a goodish chunk of stone, and then lay down and set to crawling towards them.

I was a goodish bit away from it, but there was a break in the roadside trees at that point and I could see it clearly.

The long short cut was, according to the aborigines, a goodish step longer than the road, geometrically.

Dick Handfield was living on the Station for a goodish time--that's how he came to know all about it.

Anyone seen a goodish billycock or bowler, not to mention a cane, a rich fur coat—Oh, my God!

You find the damask rose a goodish stock for most of the tender sorts, don't you, Mr. Gardener?

I would give a goodish bit to know, was the corporals reply.

"They've gone a goodish way to pay their own score," said the Leader grimly.

I woke first; Jim was fast asleep, but dad had been up a goodish while and got things ready for breakfast.