Gossamers [noun]
Definition of Gossamers:
Synonyms of Gossamers:
● Screen
● Net
● Network
● Filigree
● Cobweb
● Tangle
● Fabric
● Lattice
● Gossamer
● Texture
● Snarl
● Plait
● Maze
● Morass
● Fiber
● Warp
● Toil
● Mesh
● Weave
● Trellis
● Skein
● Weft
● Webbing
● Meshwork
● Wicker
● Woof
● Mat
● Lacework
● Tissue
Sentence/Example of Gossamers:
Both East and West leaned with sublime faith on their respective gossamers, nor remembered that "Dieu dispose."
The following is a singular but authentic account of the curious phenomenon of a Shower of Gossamers.
Gossamers hung on every briarbush and floated about the fields.
Gossamers glimmered like threads of silver among the trees and the fir boughs and tassels seemed to utter friendly speech.
But instead of this we find transparent, flowing gossamers and top-lofty turbans, which would never weather the mildest gale.
The woods had wrapped fine-woven gossamers about them and the westering hill was crimson and gold.
Before we leave the spiders altogether, we must tell you something about the wonderful little creatures called gossamers.
Gossamers belong to the young, with their dimpled arms, shoulders of snowy whiteness, and necks like columns of ivory.
Her passionate imagination now threw gossamers before, now drew gossamers away from a holy of holies that no man could ever enter.
There was a light mist on the grass, and as you walked it was through a silver web of gossamers.