Gowned [verb]

Definition of Gowned:

cover with apparel

Synonyms of Gowned:

Opposite/Antonyms of Gowned:

Sentence/Example of Gowned:

Among the girls in the party none was prettier or more charmingly gowned than Marian.

At the appointed time the lady from India appeared, gowned in crimson velvet bordered with pearls.

"I see you're not going to trust me," murmured Mrs. Lessing, as a slim-waisted, trailing-black-gowned saleswoman approached.

She saw that Aunt Lucretia was well but simply gowned in white.

Grande dames there were, with gorgeous footmen on the box; and elegant little victorias containing wonderfully gowned demoiselles.

On every side of him were women gowned by the great artists of the day, women like flowers, all perfume and softness and colour.

She was not a pretty woman, but she was certainly a striking and attractive one and quite beautifully gowned.

The white-gowned figure shook the gate chain a second time, then slowly retreated.

The last time I was there an anxious-eyed, beautifully-gowned woman was working on a rug, with three rabbits as a design.

Under a mask of habitual and hereditary reticence, the step came on, revealing a finished creature, gowned beyond all mending.