Griminess [noun]
Definition of Griminess:
Opposite/Antonyms of Griminess:
Sentence/Example of Griminess:
Her hands were very grubby and her face not much better, but Edwin seemed not to mind the general griminess of his daughter.
A spot upon a clean palm is more conspicuous than a diffuse griminess over all the hand.
Then he got into his engineer's—dungarees, touched up his face and hands to the required griminess, and sallied forth.
I don't know whether you will like our admiring you on account of your griminess, but we do.
Yet there was something restful in the monochrome of the dresses, the dull smoke-griminess of the station.
Yet, for all their griminess, they had human hearts and voices.
It was luxurious to splash in warm water and bath-salts after the enforced griminess of weeks.
It is the griminess of modern warfare that strikes me as its most characteristic feature.