Gunneries [noun]
Definition of Gunneries:
weaponry or military unit
Synonyms of Gunneries:
Opposite/Antonyms of Gunneries:
Sentence/Example of Gunneries:
The tailor of the fairy tale with his "seven at a blow" is not in it with the gunnery Lieutenant of a battleship.
Their gunnery won't run to it—was never meant to run to it—and with five going aeroplanes we can't do the spotting.
He paid particular attention to gunnery, and the "Shannon" ere long gained a unique reputation for excellence of shooting.
"Makes one feel jolly rotten," remarked Eccles, the "Royal Oak's" gunnery jack.
The gunnery of the Chinese artilleryman improved, and gaunt breaches were formed in the walls.
That was the cause of the immeasurably superior gunnery of the Japanese at the decisive naval battle of Tsushima.
Artill′erist, one skilled in artillery or gunnery; Artill′ery-man, a soldier of the artillery.
The organization was into ten guns' crews, for instruction in seamanship and gunnery, and for discipline.
This gunnery officer turned out to be an old comrade of his in the Italian War.
The jagged mountains to the south reminded me of a squadron of armoured vessels at gunnery practice in rainy weather.