Gustiest [adjective]
Definition of Gustiest:
Synonyms of Gustiest:
Sentence/Example of Gustiest:
Winds stay gusty, blowing at 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 25 to 30 mph at times.
Winds continue to be gusty out of the northwest, sometimes topping 25 mph.
Winds from the northeast get a bit gusty overnight with temperatures in the upper 20s to mid-30s.
Cooler yet still-mild temperatures combining with potentially gusty breezes by the afternoon.
Highs in the low 50s are on the warm side for mid-January, but occasionally gusty winds reminded those out and about of the time of the year.
At noon, the timing of the swearing-in on the west steps of the Capitol, temperatures are expected to be around 40 to 42 degrees with partly cloudy skies and gusty winds.
It’ll look nice and sunny outside, but gusty northwest winds add an extra chill to temperatures that struggle into the mid- and upper 30s.
The zone in yellow on the map below has the highest chance of a gusty storm.
She could see the glint of the moon upon the bay, and could feel the soft, gusty beating of the hot south wind.
The night was gusty, the north-west wind made fierce attacks on the square, comfortable house.