Haji [noun]
Definition of Haji:
person who leads an unsettled life; traveler
Synonyms of Haji:
Sentence/Example of Haji:
And behold my neighbours said unto me, Seek not advice of any in this matter, save only of the upright Haji Kas.
Then Haji Kas arose, and gat him out of the chest; and he and his son slank away in shame together.
Vultures and kites are common enough; and Haji Laqlaq the stork comes in regularly from his pilgrimage to Mecca in the spring.
Here, at an altitude of about 8500 feet, a winter in Bamian is endurable, and Haji Khan avowed his intention of remaining.
The Haji tore the letter into fragments, and made some unseemly remarks.
A rich mine of copper is worked at Mukki near Labuan-haji, by the Achinese.
The name of this saint is Mohammed el Haji, and his memory is held in the utmost veneration in Tangier and its vicinity.
One who having made the haj, or pilgrimage, to Mecca, is entitled to wear a green turban and assume the title of haji.
At last, losing all patience, he left his host and went to a khan, where he once more met Haji Wali.
Haji Khan, a sensible old man from Patna, called two days following, and sat a long time conversing upon religion.