Haltingly [adverb]
Definition of Haltingly:
Sentence/Example of Haltingly:
Michigan appears to be taking the first halting steps toward reform, recently becoming the 47th state to ban automatically charging 17-year-olds as adults.
The brown-skinned, dark-haired man appeared in the entrance of the tent and spoke haltingly in English.
She lisped the words in her soft, sweet voice, haltingly, like a little child.
"I—I must go to my room, Herr Hauptmann," she murmured haltingly.
An unbalanced sentence goes haltingly and jars; an ambiguous pronoun causes the reader to stumble.
The train moved haltingly, having to wait at sidings for other trains that had the right of way.
Seeking Nippers, I came upon him haltingly reading my diary aloud to an amused circle of cattlemen, in his quarters aft.
The explosions came haltingly, while the revolutions lessened sensibly, so much so as to reduce the speed of the boat.
Down one side of River Street to its last shop, and up the other, they progressed haltingly.
These words did not follow each other in natural succession, but came haltingly, with waits between.