Happing [noun]
Definition of Happing:
Synonyms of Happing:
● Fortuity
● Accident
● Fortune
● Break
● Cast
● Fluke
● Future
● Gamble
● Doom
● Casualty
● Destiny
● Bad luck
● Haza
Sentence/Example of Happing:
What better hap could a cavalry subaltern desire than such a fight under such conditions?
But natheless it may hap that I find a chief who is less afeared of great ventures than thou art, King.
Sea sprinkles wrinkles, tinkles lightShells' bells—boy's joys that hap to snap!
The Queen had tried to hold back Gilbert 'of her especial care, as a man noted of no good hap by sea.'
But as to getting things into the house hap hazard, really everything is so dear—it's quite out of reason.'
In physical science, great results may be obtained by hap-hazard experiments; but this is not the case in Morals.
The driveway was an example of what road-making should beentirely different from the hap-hazard work done on the country roads.
The yield was not a heavy one, but it was sufficient to justify the rather hap-hazard experiments.
Hap-hazard planting in California is humbug unless wedded to Yankee shrewdness.
Captain Hap was wiser in his generation than the child of light.