Haves [noun]
Definition of Haves:
wealthy people or institutions
Synonyms of Haves:
Sentence/Example of Haves:
Miss Georgia would say that there were two too many 'haves' in that sentence, and the 'two too' sounds funny, too.
Jonathan haves a wonderful taste for company, Aunt Tibbie explained.
The starching, the fluting, the ironing, all take precious hours that might be employed upon some of the must-haves.
It is obviously the business of the Have-Nots to do that for one another; for the Haves do not know or understand.
And (and now I'm getting to the point) there are the rich and the poor—or call them, rather, the Haves and the Have-nots.
You send the lad home,' says he; 'he's a gentleman, an' haves no place on a swilin'-ship.
Nuestro joven oficial no tuvo, pues, que torcer Haves ni descorrer cerrojos para penetrar en el interior del templo.
"That's it," said Philip eagerly, "generally you don't—and then you both haves to go home and come again," he added nervously.
As for Johnnie, he had so large a collection of must-haves, and can't-do-withouts, that he went to ask his father's advice.
If the thing haves t' be done, Bob, you'll come handy for holdin'.