Headways [noun]
Definition of Headways:
Sentence/Example of Headways:
Certainly the technical ambitions seem more modest than what the folks at companies like Boston Dynamics are currently working on, but Iris Ohyama seems well-positioned to make some headway in the home robotics category to start.
Armed with a wealth of new data from 2020, scientists hope to be able to make some headway.
We’ll see if bills to provide that support and funding introduced by San Diego lawmakers will make any headway in the state Legislature next year.
Companies such as Waymo, Cruise, and Baidu have all made strong headway as industry pioneers.
Combined, it shows just how serious the company is about making headway in this valuable area.
In the time away from the lab, he says, his team was able to make headway on long-standing goals of sharing data more publicly and developing a platform for benchmarking computational models against experimental data.
It’s a complex problem on which there has been little headway.
While the firm has made headway in some areas, the news is mixed.
The conception of the relation of this institution with them as co-operative makes headway slowly.
In the later half of the campaign of 1806 he hopelessly failed to make any headway against the Russians east of the Vistula.