Heartfelt [adjective]
Definition of Heartfelt:
Synonyms of Heartfelt:
● Cordial
● Warm
● Profound
● Sincere
● Honest
● Earnest
● Hearty
● Ardent
● Fervent
● Deep
● Devout
● True
Sentence/Example of Heartfelt:
I cried at least once each episode, usually from the heartfelt compassion and respect that the physicians brought to their interactions with patients.
“That heartfelt question is one I thought I could only really answer as a fellow mom,” said Hayhoe, an atmospheric scientist at Texas Tech University and an evangelical Christian who has spent years trying to educate the public about climate change.
It’s heartfelt, and pre-interview it has little to do with the origin story for Alto Pharmacy, the five-year-old company the 30-year-old Gamache-Asselin started with 31-year-old Jamie Karraker.
On Thursday Dorn’s widow delivered a heartfelt speech about her late husband at the Republican National Convention.
The quiet comfort and heartfelt warmth of an English fireside must be felt to be appreciated.
If ever a heartfelt thanksgiving went up to Heaven one from me will ascend to-night.
All races and degrees are united in heartfelt opposition to the Men of Mulinuu.
Mr. Pickwick expressed his heartfelt delight at every additional suggestion; and his eyes beamed with hilarity and cheerfulness.
A tear, a heartfelt tear, came from the eyes of more than one of the sympathetic group.
Martin flung himself with his face to the ground, and thought rather than uttered a heartfelt thanksgiving for his deliverance.