Hep [adjective]
Definition of Hep:
satisfactory, agreeable
Synonyms of Hep:
● Fair
● Decent
● Common
● Adequate
● Average
● Big
● Cool
● Hip
● Kosher
● Large
● Okay
● Passable
● Pleasant
● Pleasing
● Standard
● Swell
● Trendy
● Welcome
● Right on
● A-OK
Sentence/Example of Hep:
De war comes on jist de same an' some of de men slaves wus sent ter Roanoke ter hep buil' de fort.
"You bet; come over an' hep me break 'em," replied Buck, with another grin of delight.
Me washee flowty dozen hep—four bittie dozen—twenty dollar hep.
For answer Hep struck hard at him and the crowd of men threw themselves at Cameron and between him and the door.
It is not the action of the people, who are taught to cry "Hep, hep."
That's why I'm putting you hep—don't go on the make for the Son-in-Law.
But dats all right, chile; ef you likes my cookies, you jus hep yoself to dem.
These plunderers are not dangerous from their size, but they have not yet been organized to the hep-hep-hep of partisanship.
Wisht I had me dat veil right now, mout hep cure dis remutizics in ma knee what ailin me so bad.
Why, she went on her lonesome to India and Japan, with nobody but her maid; and never put us hep until she landed in Bombay.