Heroic [adjective]

Definition of Heroic:

brave, champion

Synonyms of Heroic:

Opposite/Antonyms of Heroic:

Sentence/Example of Heroic:

There’s Robert Horry, the dead-eye three-point gunner whose penchant for late-game heroics is legend.

One day, he took a heroic dose of magic mushrooms and climbed to the top of a tall tree, where he was trapped by a lightning storm.

The Oscar-nominated movie Hotel Rwanda was inspired by Rusesabagina’s heroics.

I’m not trying to make it sound heroic, our neighborhood is just a small part of the Bonny Doon community.

Similarly heroic stories abound across all the businesses, teams and leaders included in this year’s shortlist.

Our frontline employees exhibited heroic acts of bravery and selflessness, and they continue to do so today.

Again, she was present at the battle of Silan, where her heroic example of courage infused new life into her brother rebels.

It is not likely that the inhabitants of Ivrea, who thus commemorate her heroic deed, will ever forget their Mugnaia.

All men are not heroes, and in many countries men may become average hunters without being particularly heroic.

We shook each other by the hand, and congratulated one another mutually, as if we had done some great and heroic deed.