Highbinders [noun]
Definition of Highbinders:
Opposite/Antonyms of Highbinders:
Sentence/Example of Highbinders:
Somehow your own story—the Highbinder story—kept riding on the back of that gold dragon all the while I was reading.
Petey was highbinder of the gang that year and was very far gone in crime.
Now I want you to tell me that Highbinder romance when I next meet you.
And twelve for Tessie, and eight for this highbinder on my knee, here!
Remember, Mawruss, you got to tell him that as a partner I am a crank and a regular highbinder.
The favorite weapon of the Highbinder is a long knife made of a file, with a brass knob and heavy handle.
Another favorite pastime of the Highbinder who is usually a loafer, is to levy blackmail on a wealthy Chinaman.