Hills [noun]

Definition of Hills:

uprising of earth's surface; pile

Synonyms of Hills:

Opposite/Antonyms of Hills:

Sentence/Example of Hills:

There'll be heaps uh fun in the Cypress Hills country when they get t' runnin' the whisky-jacks out.

Why not have sought out the pure white lime-rocks of the flat country, or the grey granite of the hills?

They didn't linger long at Benton, but got under way and marched overland to the Cypress Hills.

The tops of the hills were laden with thunder-clouds, and the turbid atmosphere laboured with the stifling Sirocco.

On a small scale map, in an office, you may make mole-hills of mountains; on the ground there's no escaping from its features.

They tobogganed down hills without a brake at the imminent peril of their lives.

These hills, if we have to mount them, shall sorely try the thews of horse and man.

Mrs. Newbolt was looking away toward the hills, a dreamy cast in her placid face.

Hence their presence elsewhere, in spite of their passionate attachment to their free native hills.

A red moon hung above the mournful hills, and the stars shone in their myriads.