Horsepower [noun]

Definition of Horsepower:

physical ability, capacity

Synonyms of Horsepower:

Opposite/Antonyms of Horsepower:

Sentence/Example of Horsepower:

By providing a molecule … with the proper horsepower, you could potentially address both.

The horsepower figures do not fully represent the extent of actual commercial control.

If you had five-horsepower work to perform, how foolish it would be to install a two-hundred-and-fifty-pound engine!

Zeppelin's first airship had two cars, with a motor in each, giving about 30 horsepower.

Practice has shown that the amount of heating surface practically required by a boiler is 12 to 15 square feet per horsepower.

In selecting an engine, the higher the horsepower for the given dimensions, the more economical of both fuel and water.

Illuminating gas, 17 to 20 cubic feet per horsepower per hour.

If a gas producing plant using coal supplies the gas, one pound of coal per horsepower per hour is sufficient on a large engine.

When used to it, one man can easily start any gasoline engine up to 15 horsepower.

The Wright brothers in their first flying machine used a made-over automobile engine of 12 horsepower.