Howlers [noun]

Definition of Howlers:

error, erroneousness

Synonyms of Howlers:

Opposite/Antonyms of Howlers:

Sentence/Example of Howlers:

I remember, some years ago, how merrily you used to laugh about the "calamity-howler," whose habitat at that time was Kansas.

The old man was alive during the telephone call from the Grand Central, and dead when the howler was put on for the first time.

The telephone call at five minutes past twelve, and the howler put on soon afterward, checks up.

She came a fearful howler over a book which she herself has read, to my knowledge, within the last fortnight.

A reiterated word of the convulsive howler on the dock had stuck in the Tyro's mind.

Stentor, stent′or, n. a very loud-voiced herald in the Iliad, hence any person with a remarkably loud voice: the ursine howler.

Usually the howler is detached by the switch hook during conversation from a station.

The howler is cut off and the receiver is short-circuited by the same operation of the key.

Good "Keeners" are in much request, and a really efficient howler is sure of regular employment.

David Cass came, treading on the heels of a much-whiskied howler who had summoned him.