Humus [noun]
Definition of Humus:
Opposite/Antonyms of Humus:
Sentence/Example of Humus:
The particular phenomena of vegetation also afford abundant evidence that humus cannot be the only source of carbon.
It did not notice Forrester scurrying away in the shape of an ant through the leaves and thick humus of the jungle floor.
The generation of the humus-acids is probably hastened during the digestion of the many half-decayed leaves which worms consume.
The upper few inches of soil is humus rich in organic matter; below this is clay.
See that the soil contains enough humus or vegetable mold to make it rich and to enable it to hold moisture.
And besides they supply this same soil with a great deal of humus—the grass that they use for bedding.
This amount probably will permit fertilizers and tillage to make their full return in heavy sods that will provide humus.
The black soils of the woods, swamps and prairies, contain large amounts of humus.
Humus soil absorbs the rain as readily as the sand and holds it with a firmer grip than clay.
The nitrogen exists largely in the humus of the soil and it is only as the humus decays that the nitrogen is made available.