Hurrying [adjective]
Definition of Hurrying:
Sentence/Example of Hurrying:
The structured and durable fabric stands up on its own, making it easier to find essential items in a hurry.
That hurry might have been due to the riskiness of the journey.
They were in a hurry — Jackson was worried about getting to his classes at Cleveland State University — and didn’t take the crosswalk.
It’s impossible to combat this problem in a hurry—or by the force of law alone.
Those who have money are not in a hurry to spend it, because it is not clear what will happen tomorrow.
The remarkable thing was that all the hurrying people she met seemed also each of them to be on a secret and mystic errand.
And he quite agreed with old Mr. Crow, who had come hurrying up to see what was going on.
He was hurrying towards the corner of the palace grounds when a shriek from Winifred set his teeth on edge.
Hurrying on to find it, Taijo discovered a hut beside the path, into which he saw the falcon fly.
As I emerged from my room next morning I saw old Giles, the butler, hurrying down the corridor towards me.