Hybridization [noun]

Definition of Hybridization:

assortment, combination

Opposite/Antonyms of Hybridization:

Sentence/Example of Hybridization:

He showed a knowledge of the possibilities of hybridization of American species with Vitis vinifera.

Yet he suggests, and was probably the first to do so, the possibility of hybridization between American and the European species.

Mr. Reed: We haven't devoted a great deal of attention to the hybridization of nuts in our Department work.

He investigated the effects of heterogeneous hybridization also in fishes, which are a much more favourable object.

The writer tried whether this hybridization could not be accomplished provided the constitution of the sea water were changed.

In all experiments on hybridization it has been found that the rate of cell division of the egg is a purely maternal character.

In this way he explains certain cases of hybridization in which the paternal (rarely the maternal) type is exclusively reproduced.

This natural hybridization occurs among all plants, between those of the same species, the same genera or the same family.

Mass hybridization between two genera of cyprinid fishes in the Mohave Desert, California.

Hybridization occurs when ovules are fertilized by pollen of some other (necessarily some nearly related) species.