Hydroponics [noun]

Definition of Hydroponics:

growing plants in liquid

Synonyms of Hydroponics:

Opposite/Antonyms of Hydroponics:


Sentence/Example of Hydroponics:

That expedition perished after less than a light-year when its hydroponics system failed.

If it wasn't for hydroponics and the Ag Culture controls, we'd be licked right now.

I guess you'd say that there were a lot of jobs in the aquariums and the hydroponics gardens.

All the sailors on the ship must have had hydroponics or its equivalent on the brain.

The tomato has been widely used in experiments in solution-culture of plants, sometimes called "hydroponics."

Some days later, a pair of rapidly dulling wings were found on the floor of the hydroponics chamber.

Then he moved toward the entrance to hydroponics and pulled out the ship speaker mike.

"All hands and passengers will assemble in hydroponics within five minutes," he announced.

To the left lay the hydroponics tanks, and to the right, the mutants' cubicles.

Then we made a dash for hydroponics, toward the rear of the ship.