Iambic [adjective]
Definition of Iambic:
with rhythm and beauty; related to poetic composition
Synonyms of Iambic:
● Dramatic
● Elegiac
● Epic
● Idyllic
● Lyric
● Lyrical
● Romantic
● Tuneful
● Metrical
● Dactylic
● Epical
● Epodic
● Odic
● Songlike
Sentence/Example of Iambic:
The rhythm of the lines is marked, the effect upon the ear being quite like that of English iambic pentameters hypercatalectic.
There are four feet in each verse; so the poem is written in iambic tetrameter.
In this stanza the prevailing foot is iambic, but the first foot is trochaic.
It is contemplative and poised, and is frequently blended with other feet, especially with iambic, to express deliberation.
It will be noted that the dactyl is very closely related in expression to the trochee, and the anapest to the iambic.
The iambic foot, more than any other, expresses controlled passion,—passion expressed with deliberation.
It would be impossible for him to talk in a steady, straight-forward iambic, or even in the hesitating, emotional trochee.
A positive settling of the question by his own illustration is indicated by the emphasis of the iambic movement in the next line.
The metres employed by Epicharmus were iambic trimeter, and especially trochaic and anapaestic tetrameter.
The meter is iambic pentameter; but the first foot of the second line is a trochee, and emphasizes thoughts with fine effect.