Idealized [verb]

Definition of Idealized:


Synonyms of Idealized:

Opposite/Antonyms of Idealized:


Sentence/Example of Idealized:

Mathematically, fundamental particles are idealized as point particles, which is to say that, as far as we can tell, they have no meaningfully discernible spatial extent, or substructure, at all.

Americans often idealize scientists as unbiased, objective observers.

I’m always wary of idealizing certain periods in the past, and I think there were a lot of problems in that time.

A friendship had arisen between them, which the years had idealized rather than impaired.

He idealized human beauty, and imitated Nature to the minutest details.

You'll say I idealized her; possibly I did, but there she is.

But now the smithy was not merely idealized, it was transformed.

In all his poems, he has idealized fidelity and constancy in love.

It was an idealized life of the brilliant world of France which early in the eighteenth century Watteau painted.

The costume is that of a German farmer, slightly idealized, and wearing a broad mantle.