Illiberally [adverb]
Definition of Illiberally:
Synonyms of Illiberally:
Opposite/Antonyms of Illiberally:
Sentence/Example of Illiberally:
But, however illiberally stated, it is in all probability just, though for a reason unknown to Cook.
Some people have very illiberally reported that Captain Phipps did not proceed as far as he might have done upon that expedition.
You are now but nineteen, an age at which most of your countrymen are illiberally getting drunk in port, at the university.
Considering the popular excesses in the colonies, Franklin's view was anything but illiberally radical.
Words related to Illiberally:
● Illiberally
● Intolerantly
● Bigotedly
● Irreligiously
● Unchristianly
● Political orientation
● Dictatory
● Bellicosely
● Brutely
● Wrongheadedly
● Iniquitously
● Inofficiously
● Dotardly
● Inodiate
● Unthriftily
● Odible
● Impoliticly
● Malignly
● Venally
● Ingrately
● Unreasoningly
● Inoppressive
● Puerilely
● Inharmoniously
● Buffoonly
● Inquisitorially
● Unmanfully
● Despotize
● Feudally
● Churly
● Uglily
● Proditorious
● Slubberingly
● Sinistrously
● Immorigerous
● Unsociably
● Unbendingly
● Frontlessly
● Inurbane
● Awkly
● Abhorrible
● Dietetically
● Insularly
● Twistical
● Ignorantism
● Corruptedly
● Parvanimity
● Unpermissiveness
● Exploitatively
● Calumniously
● Heathenishly
● Pretendingly
● Unsecularize
● Smotheringly
● Logarithmetically
● Incuriously
● Meanspiritedly
● Priggishly
● Despiteous
● Arrogantness
● Quarrelsomely
● Ideologically
● Jesuitically
● Wlatsome
● Overthwartly
● Arse around
● Dislikeful
● Irreligionist
● Inconstantly
● Traitorly
● Discriminatively
● Banefully
● Animally
● Unchivalrously
● Whigling
● Deplorableness
● Overween
● Intempestively
● Presumingly
● Bayardly
● Cavilingly
● Stomachy
● Immethodically
● Pusillanimously
● Disprejudice
● Dilatorily
● Dissidently
● Meddlesomely
● Scathful
● Scelestic
● Deignous
● Overstraitly
● Philodox
● Disquietly
● Laissez faire
● Factiously
● Ingracious
● Virulently
● Gripingly
● Acracy
10 Words Of The Day
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Phrases by Category
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- Phrases beginning with A
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- Phrases beginning with g
- Phrases beginning with H
- Phrases beginning with I
- Phrases beginning with J
- Phrases beginning with K
- Phrases beginning with L
- Phrases beginning with M
- Phrases beginning with N
- Phrases beginning with O
- Phrases beginning with P
- Phrases beginning with Q
- Phrases beginning with R
- Phrases beginning with S
- Phrases beginning with T
- Phrases beginning with U
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- Phrases beginning with W
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Word Book
- About Feelings and Affection (53)
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- Animals (71)
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- Chemistry (192)
- Clothes and Garment (43)
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- Colours (22)
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- Cries of Animals (25)
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- Our House (29)
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