Imbecility [noun]
Definition of Imbecility:
Synonyms of Imbecility:
● Madness
● Rubbish
● Nonsense
● Tommyrot
● Twaddle
● Lunacy
● Bunk
● Inanity
● Claptrap
● Weakness
● Insanity
● Idiocy
● Folly
● Mistake
● Foolery
● Zaniness
Sentence/Example of Imbecility:
He attributes much to the imprudence, or imbecility of the enemy, whose plan of saving an army he likens to Sterne's marble sheet.
These symptoms may be present in a variety of degrees, and in advanced cases even imbecility or paralysis may ensue.
As for Lyndaraxa, her repeated and unparalleled treachery can only be justified by the extreme imbecility of her lovers.
He did not anticipate that there would be any other outbreak of violence, or anything more than a partial imbecility.
They were induced also to do this by the imbecility of the kings who succeeded each other on the thrones of Syria and Cilicia.
He would demonstrate their imbecility and his own greatness by his works.
Pecksniff should have been retired ten years ago—for imbecility.
All things and all men must be reduced to a dead level of imbecility.
Miss Burney is quite sensibly frank in her inability to fathom this imbecility.
In France, says the "Westminster Review," fidelity on the part of the husband is considered a sort of imbecility.