Imbrues [noun]
Definition of Imbrues:
Synonyms of Imbrues:
● Vestige
● Tint
● Trace
● Color
● Extract
● Taint
● Pigment
● Cast
● Shade
● Elixir
● Dye
● Stain
● Tinge
● Imbue
Sentence/Example of Imbrues:
Then he charged me as an enemy to the King, that I endeavoured to raise a new war, and imbrue the nation in blood again.
But our young men are resolved to imbrue their hands in the blood of the whites.
I would sooner imbrue my hands in his blood, than that you should!
He told Burke that he wondered above all things how he could imbrue his hands in the blood of Daft Jamie.
He dared not accede to a motion, by which we were to continue for seven years to imbrue our hands in innocent blood.
But Edward dared not imbrue his hands in the blood of great churchmen.
I think there are few besides the leaders in the South, who would be willing to imbrue their hands in the blood of their brethren.
But our young men are resolved to imbrue their hands in the blood of the white people.
Margharittei answered, that he was a Christian himself, and nothing would induce him to imbrue his hands in innocent blood.
I will not imbrue my hands in his blood, but shall place him where he will never cross me more.