Imitative [adjective]

Definition of Imitative:

simulated, unoriginal

Synonyms of Imitative:

Opposite/Antonyms of Imitative:

Sentence/Example of Imitative:

The imitative impulse prompting to the production of the semblance of something appears very early in child-life.

In this imitative play we see from the first the artistic tendency to set forth what is characteristic in the things represented.

It is an imitative creature, and takes refuge up among the trees.

Reading is at once an imitative and an appreciative art on the part of the pupil.

Skeat thinks the word gog is “of imitative origin,” but it is more likely that goggle was originally Gog oeuil or Gog Eye.

According to Skeat jingle, “a frequentative verb from the base jink,” is allied to chink, and chink is “an imitative word”.

As imitative arts Aristotle mentions poetry, dancing, music, and painting.

The translation is in imitative measures and in archaic style.

Meanwhile imitative folly set the Jacobin fashions of long pantaloons and high boots for good republicans.

But if the first reported aboriginal crime has been attended with impunity, how much more does the imitative faculty cling to it.