Immortals [noun]

Definition of Immortals:

incorporeal being

Synonyms of Immortals:

Opposite/Antonyms of Immortals:


Sentence/Example of Immortals:

But don't go hunting after them, there are still modern Immortals in the darkness of a forgotten language.

I know not who you are, whether immortals, or beings of like nature to myself, thus timely sent by the Great Spirit to my aid.

Lightly they have come down from heaven of their own accord: Immortals, stir yourselves with the whip!

All the clever immortals when seeking did not find the calf though sojourning round about us.

When the immortals created the two eyes of heaven, they placed fair splendor in him.

The Immortals advanced to the attack, but they made no impression.

His happiness continued until the day when it was his lady's turn to be in attendance on the queen of the Immortals.

Now we have in the Odyssey, as well as here in the Iliad, cases of mortals translated to heaven and to the company of immortals.

The solemnity of that ceremony was great enough to mere mortals, but what would it mean to us when we were immortals?

But I believe that, in time, ambitions of a subtler nature will reveal themselves in us, as Immortals.