Immovably [adverb]
Definition of Immovably:
Opposite/Antonyms of Immovably:
Sentence/Example of Immovably:
"I have my own reasons, my dear young lady," was the man's firm response, his eyes fixed immovably upon hers.
Upon these do we place ourselves, as immovably fixed as the decrees of the living God.
The latter looked immovably at the little girl, while tears were coursing down her cheeks.
But Mina kept hers on it, pinning it immovably to the table.
He found him in his cart, immovably expectant, his pony eating the grass at the edge of the road.
He read his sentence in it; he bowed, took a letter from the hand held out so immovably to him, and silently withdrew.
Greenfield, who had waited immovably, allowed him to approach within a quarter of a mile before putting his horse in motion.
Immovably the king's guest gazed upon the jester, who, unabashed, calmly endured the scrutiny.
Whilst she stood behind the others in the entrance, her glance was fixed immovably on Brand's face.
He who leaves this garden shall not owe to it the yearning for happiness and comfort, but an immovably steadfast moral discipline.