Impeccable [adjective]
Definition of Impeccable:
Perfect, without any flaws
Synonyms of Impeccable:
● Precise
● Accurate
● Aces
● Clean
● Correct
● Exact
● Innocent
● Nice
● Perfect
● Pure
● Right
● Sinless
● Unerring
● Unflawed
● Ten
● A-okay
Opposite/Antonyms of Impeccable:
Sentence/Example of Impeccable:
Harwood named the amount and the lawyer drew a check book from his impeccable desk and wrote.
It's enough to say that we've been thoroughly infiltrated, and that most of their agents have absolutely impeccable dossiers.
Dr. Rude was a small man, dapper, totally unlike a research chemist, and his speech and manner were as impeccable as his dress.
For instance, one often sees a wedding invitation in impeccable form but badly printed on cheap paper.
If the elect are incapable of sinning in heaven, could not God have made impeccable men upon earth?
To fail with a fly is no disgrace: your art may have been impeccable, your patience faultless to the end.
And yet with what impeccable instinct the vowels are arranged; how naturally, how artfully, the rhythm falls!
With a slight inclination of the head Mr. Brimmer passed out into the lobby, erect, self-possessed, and impeccable.
Mr. Hearty was the god of her idolatry, impeccable, austere and unimpeachable.
But I maintain that the cigarettes were impeccable, and crave absolution for myself.