Impersonations [noun]
Definition of Impersonations:
Opposite/Antonyms of Impersonations:
Sentence/Example of Impersonations:
The lures were highly tailored and targeted, designed to impersonate executives within and outside Arweave.
Impersonation may be more easily achieved intellectually, requiring only keen observation and the power of imitation.
Impersonation absolutely requires the finest detail of mannerism to be represented in the action.
But one funny thing about that impersonation which I did not realize until tonight.
When he thinks he has given an extraordinarily clever impersonation he shakes with laughter.
In the rocky gorges of the ocean we may often trace a strange permanent impersonation of shipwreck.
Calhoun was the impersonation of Southern feelings as well as the representative of Southern interests.
Bernard, the loveliest impersonation of virtue which those ages saw, was not beyond their ideas.
But the new impersonation had apparently nothing beyond sex and prettiness.
To him, Ashtaroth was no more an impersonation of light, beauty, and unearthly power than Semiramis.