Impish [adjective]

Definition of Impish:


Synonyms of Impish:

Opposite/Antonyms of Impish:




Sentence/Example of Impish:

He was a dark impish looking fellow, as lean as Cassius and as crafty and envious as Iago.

A caricature grotesque and impish, and yet one that no human being could mistake—a caricature by the hand of a master!

An impish thought danced before her for a second—“Fine talk, but you know you love to be loved.”

He approved of Parpon, and never lost a chance of sharpening his humour on the dwarf's impish whetstone of a tongue.

He always returned empty-handed, and Nannie watched with an impish smile from an upper window.

He was aware of every inch of her disdainful, impish presence as she stood there watching him from a corner of one eye.

The answers are heard in it as though the person speaking were there concealed in an impish embodiment of himself.

The fire in the grate looked impish—demoniacally funny, as if it did not care in the least about her strait.

All at once he caught sight of De Gollyer's impish eyes, and, unable longer to contain himself, burst out laughing.

Timmy really loved learning, and it was a pleasure to the scholar to teach his clever, impish, youngest son.