Imploringly [adverb]
Definition of Imploringly:
Opposite/Antonyms of Imploringly:
Sentence/Example of Imploringly:
"Don't sing those beastly things," I said to Marguerite, imploringly.
Meta tried to say "thank you," but not succeeding, looked imploringly at her governess, who spoke for her.
I beg your pardon,' she added, imploringly; 'but indeed I must.
The cardinal glanced imploringly at the Queen who turned upon him eyes blazing with anger.
She bore his violence with meekest submission; she looked imploringly—but she replied not to his taunts.
Her tones are sharp with the intensity of feeling, and she stretches both hands imploringly a little way towards him.
It now lay quite still, with its large blue eyes turned imploringly to its foe.
The dark eyes of the girl assumed an unwonted lustre, and she turned imploringly to Mary, Glenn, and Roughgrove.
When she saw that two could play at this game, she dropped her pistol and threw up her hands imploringly.
I explained, hurriedly, imploringly explained the circumstances in which I was placed.