Imprudently [adverb]
Definition of Imprudently:
Opposite/Antonyms of Imprudently:
Sentence/Example of Imprudently:
The brickmaker thinks you fell in the water by imprudently venturing too near the slope of the embankment.
You have imprudently placed yourself in the hands of an unscrupulous young man.
The farmer kept the goblet until the following Christmas Eve, when his wife imprudently helped a tattered beggar to beer in it.
The slighter man attacked furiously, shifting his ground, at first imprudently sure of his foe.
"Your hand, young man," said Boone, with an earnestness which convinced Glenn that his tale was not imprudently divulged.
The baronet in some after-dinner half-hour had allowed this secret of his youth to escape from him, imprudently.
The more you cut off the branches which imprudently appear, the more powerful and inextirpable become the roots below.
A few years after this information, Silvester imprudently went to the Holy City, where he was suddenly seized with fever.
We met again on the Monday, when I told Holloway that he acted imprudently in wearing the hat, as it might lead to a discovery.
Now all this possibility of evil, observe, attaches to knowledge pursued for the noblest ends, if it be pursued imprudently.