Incomputable [adjective]

Definition of Incomputable:


Synonyms of Incomputable:

Opposite/Antonyms of Incomputable:


Sentence/Example of Incomputable:

They were born and they die for ends to them as incomputable as the path of a cannon-shot fired into the darkness.

Across that Ocean, at a distance incomputable by the human intellect, is the male half of our system.

Whatever may have been the number, the sum of human misery was incomputable.

It gave incomputable energy to the centralization of our Government.

We have endeavored to explain why our weather is so uncertain and incomputable.

The number of marriages built in this way, upon false foundations of hollowness and despair, is incomputable.

Villani, who was also a contemporary, says that their power and wealth were well-nigh incomputable.

What an incomputable addition to the expences intended by the Stamp-act!

Truly, it does appear very, very long to thy husband—an incomputable period.

Incomputable, in-kom-pūt′a-bl, adj. that cannot be computed or reckoned.