Incontinence [noun]
Definition of Incontinence:
Opposite/Antonyms of Incontinence:
Sentence/Example of Incontinence:
Incontinence means transgressing the ordinary standards in respect of pleasure and pain.
But Guy's great fault, in this prudent world, was his absolute incontinence of money.
Where once gentility abode was now but a rancid and rude incontinence.
Incontinence is general, and the number of illegitimate children greater than those born in wedlock.
These three beasts typify the division of sins into those of incontinence, of violence, and of fraud.
If they are in poor health, it is essential to treat their general condition before trying to cure the incontinence.
Can anything more seriously militate against these than this same incontinence?
Geneura being accused of incontinence, Ariodantês stood forth her champion, vindicated her innocence, and married her.
These are undoubtedly the most effectual remedies for incontinence in ecclesiastics and servants of God.
Where Chapman is really assailable is in a singular incontinence of imagery.