Incontinently [adverb]
Definition of Incontinently:
hurriedly and carelessly
Sentence/Example of Incontinently:
Mademoiselle had incontinently refused, and madame, to win her compliance, had resorted to threats.
It welcomed the hungry Oriental for so long as he was useful, and when he outstayed his welcome, incontinently kicked him out.
John had fallen in love with a fragile, distinguished lady, and had incontinently married her; and she had borne him no children.
Next an anonymous Irish Member fell over the bench on to Saunderson's knee, and was there incontinently but heartily pummelled.
I was sure of myself, light of heart and foot, and resolved to put my love incontinently to the touch of knowledge.
Small wonder then if Leonard Elwood had already fallen incontinently, helplessly, irretrievably in love.
So he had buried everything that it was possible thus to hide, and incontinently trekked.
He wailed incontinently and from wailing took to uttering his protest with all the strength that was in him.
Eudæmon in his surprise and delight moved suddenly and upset the whole board incontinently on the floor, ruining the game.
At that, as if it brought back her injuries to mind, she dropped her eyes, and the man was loosed incontinently from his chains.