Incorporated [adjective]
Definition of Incorporated:
Opposite/Antonyms of Incorporated:
Sentence/Example of Incorporated:
It must have been incorporated under a special or general law of the State or district in which it is located.
With the one quintal that resulted therefrom, they incorporated on the said day one libra of quicksilver.
Benefit societies may be purely voluntary associations or incorporated either by statute or charter.
Eight years after Williamsburg had been incorporated, William Parks arrived there as a public printer.
These ingredients must be well worked up in a mortar, until thoroughly incorporated.
Brighton refused a charter offered by George, prince of Wales, but was incorporated in 1854.
In bringing out a second edition, I have incorporated the substance of other articles originally written for local journals.
Three had charters; two were incorporated under act of parliament; the rest were not incorporated.
Legends referring to the battle of Hastings (October 14, 1066) are incorporated in this and the following narrative.
The arrangement, however, of the two works is different, and but a small proportion of Bracton's work is incorporated in Britton.