Independency [noun]

Definition of Independency:


Opposite/Antonyms of Independency:

Sentence/Example of Independency:

It was a frugality founded, not upon avarice, but upon the love of independency.

To the party of religious and political independency he was an abomination, and great efforts were made to get him recalled.

Paoli talked very highly on preserving the independency of Corsica.

He urged Lee to lay his hand upon his heart, and say whether the Americans wanted freedom from taxation or independency.

If an intelligent traveller, he would think, Surely this was not the first origin of Independency here!

At that time certain rights of independency and autonomy were granted to Finland.

These powers had for centuries maintained a state of semi-independency by paying tribute to Turkey.

There is no absolute isolation or independency possible for a spiritual being.

Men held the old creeds in distinctly personal ways, and the churches grew into more and more of independency.

Once here, Balboa planned new conquests and a new independency.