Indigent [adjective]

Definition of Indigent:


Synonyms of Indigent:

Opposite/Antonyms of Indigent:

Sentence/Example of Indigent:

In the late 19th century, dying at a hospital was reserved for indigents, the people who had nothing and no one.

Hays County has a contract with the hospital to provide the county’s indigent care.

The passage of Medicaid and Medicare in 1965 to provide care for the indigent and elderly led to the birth of the modern nursing home industry.

We make fast the doors of our lighted houses against the indigent and the hungry.

The indigent Jakut exchanges his most valuable furs and skins for a few ounces of the "Circassian weed."

And to make good infantry, it requireth men bred, not in a servile or indigent fashion, but in some free and plentiful manner.

John Porteous was born of indigent parents near the city of Edinburgh; and he served his time as an apprentice to a tailor.

Rail not at a guest, nor from thy gate thrust him; treat well the indigent; they will speak well of thee.

The authorities supplied that rifle at £4 each, and even gratis in the case of indigent burghers.

It was exactly the most indigent upon whose backs this slavish load was placed.