Indoctrinations [noun]

Definition of Indoctrinations:


Synonyms of Indoctrinations:

Opposite/Antonyms of Indoctrinations:


Sentence/Example of Indoctrinations:

If even just a small percentage of Q followers wind up “red pilled,” as the so-called alt-right calls its indoctrination, it could lead to more violence.

That might seem like a truly radical change of view—something only distantly imaginable after thorough indoctrination.

In mid-August, Facebook removed 790 QAnon groups and more than 10,000 accounts from Instagram in an effort to diminish the virality of the conspiracy, which simply showed how pervasive social media indoctrination is.

Then Barrent was turned back to Eylan for political indoctrination.

But the carefully developed indoctrination propaganda of the top Earth psychologists wasn't the answer he wanted.

As soon as we could furnish hypno-mech indoctrination in Kharanda to other psychists, I sent them along.

Did you ask him whether he had had any communist training or indoctrination or anything of that kind?

Another set of pilots, more indoctrination, new rockets, another zero hour.

The Roman Catholic Church of that day was not so careful of the indoctrination of the young as she is at the present time.

The enlisted man, by a process of indoctrination and conditioning, is taught to obey and follow orders without reasoning.