Ingratiation [noun]
Definition of Ingratiation:
Synonyms of Ingratiation:
Opposite/Antonyms of Ingratiation:
Sentence/Example of Ingratiation:
They are ingratiating and earnest, with no anger and no edge.
Therefore, ingratiating itself into the entrepreneurial portion of any burgeoning star’s career could prove a windfall for NBCUniversal.
He had prepared himself to be ingratiating; but he realized that ingratiation was not a successful line to pursue with dragons.
For Gordy, when absolutely forced to face an unknown woman, could bring to the encounter a certain bluff ingratiation.
He petted her, and she slid into his arms with a child-like ingratiation that made his heart swell with pity.
The qualities of ingratiation and friendliness departed from M. Garfunkel's smile, leaving it wholly apologetic.
He could not resist her beauty, her warmth, her ingratiation.
It was as if she were amused, not absent-minded nor yet a prey to the feminine immorality of ingratiation.
The woman shifted her position, and changed her tone to one of cunning ingratiation.
A hansom cab offers peculiar facilities for the aforesaid process of ingratiation.